Pipara & Co LLP

Auditing Accounting Estimates, Including Fair Value Accounting Estimates, and Related Disclosures


Scope of this SA

This Standard on Auditing (SA) deals with the auditor’s responsibilities regarding accounting estimates, including fair value accounting estimates, and related disclosures in an audit of financial statements. Specifically, it expands on how SA 3151 and SA 3302 and other relevant SAs are to be applied in relation to accounting estimates. It also includes requirements and guidance on misstatements of individual accounting estimates, and indicators of possible management bias.

Nature of Accounting Estimates
  • Some financial statement items cannot be measured precisely, but can only be estimated. For purposes of this SA, such financial statement items are referred to as accounting estimates. The nature and reliability of information available to management to support the making of an accounting estimate varies widely, which thereby affects the degree of estimation uncertainty associated with accounting estimates. The degree of estimation uncertainty affects, in turn, the risks of material misstatement of accounting estimates, including their susceptibility to unintentional or intentional management bias. (Ref: Para. A1- A11)
  1. The measurement objective of accounting estimates can vary depending on the applicable financial reporting framework and the financial item being reported. The measurement objective for some accounting estimates is to forecast the outcome of one or more transactions, events or conditions giving rise to the need for the accounting estimate. For other accounting estimates, including many fair value accounting estimates, the measurement objective is different, and is expressed in terms of the value of a current transaction or financial statement item based on conditions prevalent at the measurement date, such as estimated market price for a particular type of asset or liability. For example, the applicable financial reporting framework may require fair value measurement based on an assumed hypothetical current transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties (sometimes referred to as “marketplace participants” or equivalent) in an arm’s length transaction, rather than the settlement of a transaction at some past or future date.3

1 SA 315, “Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement Through Understanding the Entity and Its Environment”.

2 SA 330, “The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks”.

3 Different definitions of fair value may exist among financial reporting frameworks.

  1. A difference between the outcome of an accounting estimate and the amount originally recognised or disclosed in the financial statements does not necessarily represent a misstatement of the financial statements. This is particularly the case for fair value accounting estimates, as any observed outcome is invariably affected by events or conditions subsequent to the date at which the measurement is estimated for purposes of the financial statements.
Effective Date
  1. This SA is effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after April 1, 2009.
  1. The objective of the auditor is to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence whether in the context of the applicable financial reporting framework:
    1. accounting estimates, including fair value accounting estimates, in the financial statements, whether recognised or disclosed, are reasonable; and
    2. related disclosures in the financial statements are adequate.
  1. For purposes of the SAs, the following terms have the meanings attributed below:
    1. Accounting estimate – An approximation of a monetary amount in the absence of a precise means of measurement. This term is used for an amount measured at fair value where there is estimation uncertainty, as well as for other amounts that require estimation. Where this SA addresses only accounting estimates involving measurement at fair value, the term “fair value accounting estimates” is used.
    2. Auditor’s point estimate or auditor’s range – The amount, or range of amounts, respectively, derived from audit evidence for use in evaluating management’s point estimate.
    3. Estimation uncertainty – The susceptibility of an accounting estimate and related disclosures to an inherent lack of precision in its measurement.
    4. Management bias – A lack of neutrality by management in the preparation and presentation of information.
    5. Management’s point estimate – The amount selected by management for recognition or disclosure in the financial statements as an accounting estimate.

Outcome of an accounting estimate –The actual monetary amount which results from the resolution of the underlying transaction(s), event(s) or condition(s) addressed by the accounting estimate.

Risk Assessment Procedures and Related Activities
  • When performing risk assessment procedures and related activities to obtain an understanding of the entity and its environment, including the entity’s internal control, as required by SA 315,4 the auditor shall obtain an understanding of the following in order to provide a basis for the identification and assessment of the risks of material misstatement for accounting estimates: (Ref: Para. A12)
  • The requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework relevant to accounting estimates, including related disclosures. (Ref: Para. A13- A15)
  • How management identifies those transactions, events and conditions that may give rise to the need for accounting estimates to be recognised or disclosed in the financial statements. In obtaining this understanding, the auditor shall make inquiries of management about changes in circumstances that may give rise to new, or the need to revise existing, accounting estimates. (Ref: Para. A16-A21)
  • How management makes the accounting estimates, and an understanding of the data on which they are based, including: (Ref: Para. A22-A23)
      1. The method, including where applicable the model, used in making the accounting estimate; (Ref: Para. A24-A26)
      2. Relevant controls; (Ref: Para. A27-A28)
      3. Whether management has used an expert; (Ref: Para. A29-A30)
      4. The assumptions underlying the accounting estimates; (Ref: Para. A31-A36)
      5. Whether there has been or ought to have been a change from the prior period in the methods for making the accounting estimates, and if so, why; and (Ref: Para. A37)
      6. Whether and, if so, how management has assessed the effect of estimation uncertainty. (Ref: Para. A38)
4 SA 315, paragraphs 5-6 and 11-12.
  • The auditor shall review the outcome of accounting estimates included in the prior period financial statements, or, where applicable, their subsequent re- estimation for the purpose of the current period. The nature and extent of the auditor’s review takes account of the nature of the accounting estimates, and whether the information obtained from the review would be relevant to identifying and assessing risks of material misstatement of accounting estimates made in the current period financial statements. However, the review is not intended to call into question the judgments made in the prior periods that were based on information available at that time. (Ref: Para. A39-A44)
Identifying and Assessing the Risks of Material Misstatement
  • In identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement, as required by SA 315,5 the auditor shall evaluate the degree of estimation uncertainty associated with an accounting estimate. (Ref: Para. A45-A46)
  • The auditor shall determine whether, in the auditor’s judgment, any of those accounting estimates that have been identified as having high estimation uncertainty give rise to significant risks. (Ref: Para. A47-A51)
Responses to the Assessed Risks of Material Misstatement
  • Based on the assessed risks of material misstatement, the auditor shall determine: (Ref: Para. A52)
  • Whether management has appropriately applied the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework relevant to the accounting estimate; and (Ref: Para. A53-A56)
  • Whether the methods for making the accounting estimates are appropriate and have been applied consistently, and whether changes, if any, in accounting estimates or in the method for making them from the prior period are appropriate in the circumstances. (Ref: Para. A57-A58)
  • In responding to the assessed risks of material misstatement, as required by SA 330,6 the auditor shall undertake one or more of the following, taking account of the nature of the accounting estimate: (Ref: Para. A59- A61)
  • Determine whether events occurring up to the date of the auditor’s report provide audit evidence regarding the accounting estimate. (Ref: Para. A62-A67)
  • Test how management made the accounting estimate and the data on which it is based. In doing so, the auditor shall evaluate whether: (Ref: Para. A68-A70)
5 SA 315, paragraph 25. 6 SA 330, paragraph 5.
  1. The method of measurement used is appropriate in the circumstances; and (Ref: Para. A71-A76)
  2. The assumptions used by management are reasonable in light of the measurement objectives of the applicable financial reporting framework. (Ref: Para. A77-A83)
  • Test the operating effectiveness of the controls over how management made the accounting estimate, together with appropriate substantive procedures. (Ref: Para. A84- A86)
  • Develop a point estimate or a range to evaluate management’s point estimate. For this purpose: (Ref: Para. A87-A91)
    1. When the auditor uses assumptions or methods that differ from management’s, the auditor shall obtain an understanding of management’s assumptions or methods sufficient to establish that the auditor’s point estimate or range takes into account relevant variables and to evaluate any significant differences from management’s point estimate. (Ref: Para. A92)
    2. When the auditor concludes that it is appropriate to use a range, the auditor shall narrow the range, based on audit evidence available, until all outcomes within the range are considered reasonable. (Ref: Para. A93-A95)
In determining the matters identified in paragraph 12 or in responding to the assessed risks of material misstatement in accordance with paragraph 13, the auditor shall consider whether specialised skills or knowledge in relation to one or more aspects of the accounting estimates are required in order to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence. (Ref: Para. A96-A101)
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