5A 1Except as described in paragraph B17, the requirements in this Ind AS apply to an entity’s interests listed in paragraph 5 that are classified (or included in a disposal group that is classified) as held for sale or discontinued operations in accordance with Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
1 Inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
2 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016.
An investment entity that, in accordance with Ind AS 110, is required to apply the exception to consolidation and instead account for its investment in a subsidiary at fair value through profit or loss shall disclose that fact.
19B For each unconsolidated subsidiary, an investment entity shall disclose:
19C If an investment entity is the parent of another investment entity, the parent shall also provide the disclosures in 19B(a)–(c) for investments that are controlled by its investment entity subsidiary. The disclosure may be provided by including, in the financial statements of the parent, the financial statements of the subsidiary (or subsidiaries) that contain the above information.
19D An investment entity shall disclose:
19E If, during the reporting period, an investment entity or any of its subsidiaries has, without having a contractual obligation to do so, provided financial or other support to an unconsolidated subsidiary (eg purchasing assets of, or instruments issued by, the subsidiary or assisting the subsidiary in obtaining financial support), the entity shall disclose:
19F An investment entity shall disclose the terms of any contractual arrangements that could require the entity or its unconsolidated subsidiaries to provide financial support to an unconsolidated, controlled, structured entity, including events or circumstances that could expose the reporting entity to a loss (eg liquidity arrangements or credit rating triggers associated with obligations to purchase assets of the structured entity or to provide financial support).
19G If during the reporting period an investment entity or any of its unconsolidated subsidiaries has, without having a contractual obligation to do so, provided financial or other support to an unconsolidated, structured entity that the investment entity did not control, and if that provision of support resulted in the investment entity controlling the structured entity, the investment entity shall disclose an explanation of the relevant factors in reaching the decision to provide that support.