Pipara & Co LLP


B.Sc. (Chemistry), P.G.D.C.A.

  • To work for development of the Company in the field of Implementation of Accrual Based Double Entry Accounting System across India and ensuring best services in this field. Also see India as a computerized country thereby shifting total resources to Information Technology.
  • Handles Project GRAM – Gujarat Rural Accounting Management
  • Handles Project GAM – Gujarat Assets Management
  • Handles also Data Base Management System Since last 4 years.
  • We do not consider ourselves as a firm that is employing people to work on various assignments.
  • We believe that all of us are a family and we work towards our ultimate goal, alongside fueling the aspiring visions of all of those that are a part of this family.
  • We encourage each individual to have a vision towards which they would work endlessly and see them grow.
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