The principles in this Ind AS complement the principles for recognising, measuring and presenting financial assets and financial liabilities in Ind AS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation, and Ind AS 109, Financial Instruments.
# This Ind AS was notified vide G.S.R. 111(E) dated 16th February, 2015 and was amended vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016, G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018, G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019, G.S.R. 463(E) dated 24th July, 2020 and G.S.R. 419(E) dated 18th June, 2021.
an interest in a subsidiary, associate or joint venture using Ind AS 109; in those cases, entities shall apply the requirements of this Ind AS and, for those measured at fair value, the requirements of Ind AS 113, Fair Value Measurement. Entities shall also apply this Ind AS to all derivatives linked to interests in subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures unless the derivative meets the definition of an equity instrument in Ind AS 32.
5A 2The credit risk disclosure requirements in paragraphs 35A to 35N apply to those rights that Ind AS 115, Revenue from Contracts with Customers specifies are accounted for in accordance with Ind AS 109 for the purposes of recognising impairment gains or losses. Any reference to financial assets or financial instruments in these paragraphs shall include those rights unless otherwise specified.
When this Ind AS requires disclosures by class of financial instrument, an entity shall group financial instruments into classes that are appropriate to the nature of the information disclosed and that take into account the characteristics of those financial instruments. An entity shall provide sufficient information to permit reconciliation to the line items presented in the balance sheet.
6.7.1 of Ind AS 109 and (ii) those mandatorily measured at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with Ind AS 109.
2 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter, substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.
(b)- (d) [Refer Appendix 1]
6.7.1 of Ind AS 109 and (ii) those that meet the definition of held for trading in Ind AS 109 .
Changes in market conditions that give rise to market risk include changes in an observed (benchmark) interest rate, commodity price, foreign exchange rate or index of prices or rates.
10A If an entity has designated a financial liability as at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with paragraph 4.2.2 of Ind AS 109 and is required to present all changes in the fair value of that liability (including the effects of changes in the credit risk of the liability) in profit or loss (see paragraphs 5.7.7 and 5.7.8 of Ind AS 109), it shall disclose:
If an entity has designated investments in equity instruments to be measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, as permitted by paragraph 5.7.5 of Ind AS 109, it shall disclose:
11B If an entity derecognised investments in equity instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income during the reporting period, it shall disclose:
12-12A [Refer Appendix 1]
12B An entity shall disclose if, in the current or previous reporting periods, it has reclassified any financial assets in accordance with paragraph 4.4.1 of Ind AS 109. For each such event, an entity shall disclose:
12C For each reporting period following reclassification until derecognition, an entity shall disclose for assets reclassified out of the fair value through profit or loss category so that they are measured at amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with paragraph 4.4.1 of IndAS 109:
12D If, since its last annual reporting date, an entity has reclassified financial assets out of the fair value through other comprehensive income category so that they are measured at amortised cost or out of the fair value through profit or loss category so that they are measured at amortised cost or fair value through other comprehensive income it shall disclose:
The disclosures in paragraphs 13B–13E supplement the other disclosure requirements of this Ind AS and are required for all recognised financial instruments that are set off in accordance with paragraph 42 of Ind AS 32. These disclosures also apply to recognised financial instruments that are subject to an enforceable master netting arrangement or similar agreement, irrespective of whether they are set off in accordance with paragraph 42 of Ind AS 32.
13B An entity shall disclose information to enable users of its financial statements to evaluate the effect or potential effect of netting arrangements on the entity’s financial position. This includes the effect or potential effect of rights of set-off associated with the entity’s recognised financial assets and recognised financial liabilities that are within the scope of paragraph 13A.
13C To meet the objective in paragraph 13B, an entity shall disclose, at the end of the reporting period, the following quantitative information separately for recognised financial assets and recognised financial liabilities that are within the scope of paragraph 13A:
the gross amounts of those recognised financial assets and recognised financial liabilities;
The information required by this paragraph shall be presented in a tabular format, separately for financial assets and financial liabilities, unless another format is more appropriate.
13D The total amount disclosed in accordance with paragraph 13C(d) for an instrument shall be limited to the amount in paragraph 13C(c) for that instrument.
13E An entity shall include a description in the disclosures of the rights of set-off associated with the entity’s recognised financial assets and recognised financial liabilities subject to enforceable master netting arrangements and similar agreements that are disclosed in accordance with paragraph 13C(d), including the nature of those rights.
13F If the information required by paragraphs 13B–13E is disclosed in more than one note to the financial statements, an entity shall cross-refer between those notes.
amounts that have been reclassified in accordance with paragraph 3.2.23(a) of Ind AS 109; and
16A The carrying amount of financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with paragraph 4.1.2A of Ind AS 109 is not reduced by a loss allowance and an entity shall not present the loss allowance separately in the balance sheet as a reduction of the carrying amount of the financial asset. However, an entity shall disclose the loss allowance in the notes to the financial statements.
If an entity has issued an instrument that contains both a liability and an equity component (see paragraph 28 of Ind AS 32) and the instrument has multiple embedded derivatives whose values are interdependent (such as a callable convertible debt instrument), it shall disclose the existence of those features.