Pipara & Co LLP


intangible assets


The objective of this Standard is to prescribe the accounting treatment for intangible assets that are not dealt with specifically in another Standard. This Standard requires an entity to recognise an intangible asset if, and only if, specified criteria are met. The Standard also specifies how to measure the carrying amount of intangible assets and requires specified disclosures about intangible assets.

  • This Standard shall be applied in accounting for intangible assets, except:
  • intangible assets that are within the scope of another Standard;
  • financial assets, as defined in Ind AS 32, Financial Instruments: Presentation;
  • the recognition and measurement of exploration and evaluation assets (see Ind AS 106, Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources); and
  • expenditure on the development and extraction of minerals, oil, natural gas and similar non-regenerative resources.
  1. If another Standard prescribes the accounting for a specific type of intangible asset, an entity applies that Standard instead of this Standard. For example, this Standard does not apply to:

# This Ind AS was notified vide G.S.R. 111(E) dated 16th February, 2015 and was amended vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016, G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018, G.S.R. 903(E) dated 20th September, 2018,

G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019 and G.S.R. 419(E) dated 18th June, 2021.

    1. 1intangible assets held by an entity for sale in the ordinary course of business (see Ind AS 2, Inventories).
    2. deferred tax assets (see Ind AS 12, Income Taxes).
    3. 2leases of intangible assets accounted for in accordance with Ind AS 116, Leases.
    4. assets arising from employee benefits (see Ind AS 19, Employee Benefits).
    5. financial assets as defined in Ind AS 32. The recognition and measurement of some financial assets are covered by Ind AS 110, Consolidated Financial Statements, Ind AS 27, Separate Financial Statements, and Ind AS 28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures.
    6. goodwill acquired in a business combination (see Ind AS 103, Business Combinations).
    7. deferred acquisition costs, and intangible assets, arising from an insurer’s contractual rights under insurance contracts within the scope of Ind AS 104, Insurance Contracts. Ind AS 104 sets out specific disclosure requirements for those deferred acquisition costs but not for those intangible assets. Therefore, the disclosure requirements in this Standard apply to those intangible assets.
    8. non-current intangible assets classified as held for sale (or included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) in accordance with Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
  • 3assets arising from contracts with customers that are recognised in accordance with Ind AS 115, Revenue from Contracts with Customers.

1 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and, thereafter, substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.

2 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019.

3 Omitted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and thereafter, inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 310(E) dated 28th March, 2018.

  1. Some intangible assets may be contained in or on a physical substance such as a compact disc (in the case of computer software), legal documentation (in the case of a licence or patent) or film. In determining whether an asset that incorporates both intangible and tangible elements should be treated under Ind AS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, or as an intangible asset under this Standard, an entity uses judgement to assess which element is more significant. For example, computer software for a computer-controlled machine tool that cannot operate without that specific software is an integral part of the related hardware and it is treated as property, plant and equipment. The same applies to the operating system of a computer. When the software is not an integral part of the related hardware, computer software is treated as an intangible asset.
  2. This Standard applies to, among other things, expenditure on advertising, training, start-up, research and development activities. Research and development activities are directed to the development of knowledge. Therefore, although these activities may result in an asset with physical substance (eg a prototype), the physical element of the asset is secondary to its intangible component, ie the knowledge embodied in it.
  3. 4Rights held by a lease under licensing agreements for items such as motion picture films, video recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights are within the scope of this Standard and are excluded from the scope of Ind AS 116.
  4. Exclusions from the scope of a Standard may occur if activities or transactions are so specialised that they give rise to accounting issues that may need to be dealt with in a different way. Such issues arise in the accounting for expenditure on the exploration for, or development and extraction of, oil, gas and mineral deposits in extractive industries and in the case of insurance contracts. Therefore, this Standard does not apply to expenditure on such activities and contracts. However, this Standard applies to other intangible assets used (such as computer software), and other expenditure incurred (such as start-up costs), in extractive industries or by insurers.

7AA The amortisation method specified in this Standard does not apply to an entity that opts to amortise the intangible assets arising from

4 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 273(E) dated 30th March, 2019.

service concession arrangements in respect of toll roads recognised in the financial statements for the period ending immediately before the beginning of the first Ind AS reporting period as per the exception given in paragraph D22 of Appendix D to Ind AS 101.

  • The following terms are used in this Standard with the meanings specified:

Amortisation is the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an intangible asset over its useful life.

An asset* is a resource:

  • controlled by an entity as a result of past events; and
  • from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity.

Carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recognised in the balance sheet after deducting any accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses thereon.

Cost is the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of other consideration given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction, or, when applicable, the amount attributed to that asset when initially recognised in accordance with the specific requirements of other Indian Accounting Standards, eg Ind AS 102, Share-based Payment.

Depreciable amount is the cost of an asset, or other amount substituted for cost, less its residual value.

Development is the application of research findings or other knowledge to a plan or design for the production of new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, processes, systems or services before the start of commercial production or use.

Entity-specific value is the present value of the cash flows an

* The definition of an asset in this Standard is not revised following the revision of the definition of an asset in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting under Indian Accounting Standards issued in 2021 by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. [This footnote was inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 419(E) dated 18th June, 2021.]

entity expects to arise from the continuing use of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life or expects to incur when settling a liability.

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (See Ind AS 113, Fair Value Measurement.)

An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount.

An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance.

Monetary assets are money held and assets to be received in fixed or determinable amounts of money.

Research is original and planned investigation undertaken with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding.

The residual value of an intangible asset is the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

Useful life is:

  • the period over which an asset is expected to be available for use by an entity; or
  • the number of production or similar units expected to be obtained from the asset by an entity.


Intangible assets
  1. Entities frequently expend resources, or incur liabilities, on the acquisition, development, maintenance or enhancement of intangible resources such as scientific or technical knowledge, design and implementation of new processes or systems, licences, intellectual property, market knowledge and trademarks (including brand names and publishing titles). Common examples of items encompassed by these broad headings are computer software, patents, copyrights, motion picture films, customer lists, mortgage servicing rights, fishing

licences, import quotas, franchises, customer or supplier relationships, customer loyalty, market share and marketing rights.

  1. Not all the items described in paragraph 9 meet the definition of an intangible asset, ie identifiability, control over a resource and existence of future economic benefits. If an item within the scope of this Standard does not meet the definition of an intangible asset, expenditure to acquire it or generate it internally is recognised as an expense when it is incurred. However, if the item is acquired in a business combination, it forms part of the goodwill recognised at the acquisition date (see paragraph 68).
  1. Entities frequently expend resources, or incur liabilities, on the acquisition, development, maintenance or enhancement of intangible resources such as scientific or technical knowledge, design and implementation of new processes or systems, licences, intellectual property, market knowledge and trademarks (including brand names and publishing titles). Common examples of items encompassed by these broad headings are computer software, patents, copyrights, motion picture films, customer lists, mortgage servicing rights, fishing

licences, import quotas, franchises, customer or supplier relationships, customer loyalty, market share and marketing rights.

  1. Not all the items described in paragraph 9 meet the definition of an intangible asset, ie identifiability, control over a resource and existence of future economic benefits. If an item within the scope of this Standard does not meet the definition of an intangible asset, expenditure to acquire it or generate it internally is recognised as an expense when it is incurred. However, if the item is acquired in a business combination, it forms part of the goodwill recognised at the acquisition date (see paragraph 68).
    1. The definition of an intangible asset requires an intangible asset to be identifiable to distinguish it from goodwill. Goodwill recognised in a business combination is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognised. The future economic benefits may result from synergy between the identifiable assets acquired or from assets that, individually, do not qualify for recognition in the financial statements.
  • An asset is identifiable if it either:
  • is separable, ie is capable of being separated or divided from the entity and sold, transferred, licensed, rented or exchanged, either individually or together with a related contract, identifiable asset or liability, regardless of whether the entity intends to do so; or
  • arises from contractual or other legal rights, regardless of whether those rights are transferable or separable from the entity or from other rights and obligations.


  1. An entity controls an asset if the entity has the power to obtain the future economic benefits flowing from the underlying resource and to restrict the access of others to those benefits. The capacity of an entity to control the future economic benefits from an intangible asset would normally stem from legal rights that are enforceable in a court of law. In the absence of legal rights, it is more difficult to demonstrate control. However, legal enforceability of a right is not a necessarycondition for control because an entity may be able to control the future economic benefits in some other way.
  1. Market and technical knowledge may give rise to future economic benefits. An entity controls those benefits if, for example, the knowledge is protected by legal rights such as copyrights, a restraint of trade agreement (where permitted) or by a legal duty on employees to maintain confidentiality.
  2. An entity may have a team of skilled staff and may be able to identify incremental staff skills leading to future economic benefits from training. The entity may also expect that the staff will continue to make their skills available to the entity. However, an entity usually has insufficient control over the expected future economic benefits arising from a team of skilled staff and from training for these items to meet the definition of an intangible asset. For a similar reason, specific management or technical talent is unlikely to meet the definition of an intangible asset, unless it is protected by legal rights to use it and to obtain the future economic benefits expected from it, and it also meets the other parts of the definition.
  3. An entity may have a portfolio of customers or a market share and expect that, because of its efforts in building customer relationships and loyalty, the customers will continue to trade with the entity. However, in the absence of legal rights to protect, or other ways to control, the relationships with customers or the loyalty of the customers to the entity, the entity usually has insufficient control over the expected economic benefits from customer relationships and loyalty for such items (eg portfolio of customers, market shares, customer relationships and customer loyalty) to meet the definition of intangible assets. In the absence of legal rights to protect customer relationships, exchange transactions for the same or similar non- contractual customer relationships (other than as part of a business combination) provide evidence that the entity is nonetheless able to control the expected future economic benefits flowing from the customer relationships. Because such exchange transactions also provide evidence that the customer relationships are separable, those customer relationships meet the definition of an intangible asset.

Future economic benefits

  1. The future economic benefits flowing from an intangible asset may include revenue from the sale of products or services, cost savings, or

other benefits resulting from the use of the asset by the entity. For example, the use of intellectual property in a production process may reduce future production costs rather than increase future revenues.

Recognition and measurement
  1. The recognition of an item as an intangible asset requires an entity to demonstrate that the item meets:
    1. the definition of an intangible asset (see paragraphs 8–17); and
    2. the recognition criteria (see paragraphs 21–23).

This requirement applies to costs incurred initially to acquire or internally generate an intangible asset and those incurred subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service it.

  1. Paragraphs 25–32 deal with the application of the recognition criteria to separately acquired intangible assets, and paragraphs 33–43 deal with their application to intangible assets acquired in a business combination. Paragraph 44 deals with the initial measurement of intangible assets acquired by way of a government grant, paragraphs 45–47 with exchanges of intangible assets, and paragraphs 48–50 with the treatment of internally generated goodwill. Paragraphs 51–67 deal with the initial recognition and measurement of internally generated intangible assets.
  2. The nature of intangible assets is such that, in many cases, there are no additions to such an asset or replacements of part of it. Accordingly, most subsequent expenditures are likely to maintain the expected future economic benefits embodied in an existing intangible asset rather than meet the definition of an intangible asset and the recognition criteria in this Standard. In addition, it is often difficult to attribute subsequent expenditure directly to a particular intangible asset rather than to the business as a whole. Therefore, only rarely will subsequent expenditure—expenditure incurred after the initial recognition of an acquired intangible asset or after completion of an internally generated intangible asset—be recognised in the carrying amount of an asset. Consistently with paragraph 63, subsequent expenditure on brands, mastheads, publishing titles, customer lists

and items similar in substance (whether externally acquired or internally generated) is always recognised in profit or loss as incurred. This is because such expenditure cannot be distinguished from expenditure to develop the business as a whole.

  • An intangible asset shall be recognised if, and only if:
  • it is probable that the expected future economic benefits that are attributable to the asset will flow to the entity; and
  • the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
  • An entity shall assess the probability of expected future economic benefits using reasonable and supportable assumptions that represent management’s best estimate of the set of economic conditions that will exist over the useful life of the asset.
    1. An entity uses judgement to assess the degree of certainty attached to the flow of future economic benefits that are attributable to the use of the asset on the basis of the evidence available at the time of initial recognition, giving greater weight to external evidence.
  • An intangible asset shall be measured initially at cost.


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