This Ind AS was notified vide G.S.R. 111(E) dated 16th February, 2015 and was amended vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016 and G.S.R. 419(E) dated 18th June, 2021.
1 For assets classified according to a liquidity presentation, non-current assets are assets that include amounts expected to be recovered more than twelve months after the reporting period. Paragraph 3 applies to the classification of such assets.
which shall continue to be measured in accordance with the Standard noted.
2 However, once the cash flows from an asset or group of assets are expected to arise principally from sale rather than continuing use, they become less dependent on cash flows arising from other assets, and a disposal group that was part of a cash-generating unit becomes a separate cash-generating unit.
3 Other than paragraphs 18 and 19, which require the assets in question to be measured in accordance with other applicable Accounting Standards.
5A The classification, presentation and measurement requirements in this Ind AS applicable to a non-current asset (or disposal group) that is classified as held for sale apply also to a non-current asset (or disposal group) that is classified as held for distribution to owners acting in their capacity as owners (held for distribution to owners).
5B This Ind AS specifies the disclosures required in respect of non- current assets (or disposal groups) classified as held for sale or discontinued operations. Disclosures in other Ind ASs do not apply to such assets (or disposal groups) unless those Ind ASs require:
Additional disclosures about non-current assets (or disposal groups) classified as held for sale or discontinued operations may be necessary to comply with the general requirements of Ind AS 1, in particular paragraphs 15 and 125 of that Standard.
26A 6If an entity reclassifies an asset (or disposal group) directly from being held for sale to being held for distribution to owners, or directly from being held for distribution to owners to being held for sale, then the change in classification is considered a continuation of the original plan of disposal. The entity:
6 Inserted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016.
following the requirements in paragraph 15 (if reclassified as held for sale) or 15A (if reclassified as held for distribution to owners) and recognise any reduction or increase in the fair value less costs to sell/costs to distribute of the non-current asset (or disposal group) by following the requirements in paragraphs 20–25.
7 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016.
8 If the non-current asset is part of a cash-generating unit, its recoverable amount is the carrying amount that would have been recognised after the allocation of any impairment loss arising on that cash-generating unit in accordance with Ind AS 36.
9 Substituted vide Notification No. G.S.R. 365(E) dated 30th March, 2016.
10 Unless the asset is property, plant and equipment or an intangible asset that had been revalued in accordance with Ind AS 16 or Ind AS 38 before classification as held for sale, in which case the adjustment shall be treated as a revaluation increase or decrease.
continuing operations in the period in which the criteria in paragraphs 7–9 or 12A, respectively, are no longer met. Financial statements for the periods since classification as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners shall be amended accordingly if the disposal group or non-current asset that ceases to be classified as held for sale or as held for distribution to owners is a subsidiary, joint operation, joint venture, associate, or a portion of an interest in a joint venture or an associate. The entity shall present that adjustment in the same caption in the statement of profit and loss used to present a gain or loss, if any, recognised in accordance with paragraph 37.
11If an entity removes an individual asset or liability from a disposal group classified as held for sale, the remaining assets and liabilities of the disposal group to be sold shall continue to be measured as a group only if the group meets the criteria in paragraphs 7–9. If an entity removes an individual asset or liability from a disposal group classified as held for distribution to owners, the remaining assets and liabilities of the disposal group to be distributed shall continue to be measured as a group only if the group meets the criteria in paragraph 12A. Otherwise, the remaining non-current assets of the group that individually meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale (or as held for distribution to owners) shall be measured individually at the lower of their carrying amounts and fair values less costs to sell (or costs to distribute) at that date. Any non-current assets that do not meet the criteria for held for sale shall cease to be classified as held for sale in accordance with paragraph 26. Any non-current assets that do not meet the criteria for held for distribution to owners shall cease to be classified as held for distribution to owners in accordance with paragraph 26.